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Thank you very much for your support!
Yes, you can support us by donating to us. Art Action Earwig was born out of our genuine and individual needs to get together in solidarity to make one another’s livelihood possible and creative life sustainable.
The current global pandemic re-encouraged us to respond to the issues creeping deeper in our inner pockets, where we crumple and bury our fears among the grocery receipts. While many of us are barred from air-traveling and water-traveling, many neighbors in Minah’s home country are flooded. While getting a bit of a break from frequent air-pollution disruptions – one of the bright sides of COVID-19 – persons and homes are still carried away by climate disasters. While Wryly’s student loan debts – our generation’s dummy babies – get a break from fast-growing interest, so many migrant workers never get a break from their precarious jobs and brokers while some of them send most of their earnings to their real babies. Tent city residents continue to struggle to be decriminalized while climate criminals don’t let go of their crowns and seats. These are difficult times and we intuitively know that we’d better ground ourselves in our communities that care. At times it may feel safer to remain isolated. In fact, we need to create diverse ways to share and grow together more than ever before.
As artists and low-income workers, a lot of times we have dedicated our artistic labours and time for free. We have paid the high costs of academic membership and Minah’s long-term non-citizenship in Canada, while doubting the sustainability of our future. However, we continued. We believed in the power of art and what we should be. Some friends and communities were present and sensitive during many challenges. Without their support, it wouldn’t be possible for us to sustain. With this privilege of staying as artists and gaining surprising momentum of support, we take our courage to share, reach out, and encourage you to participate, whether you see it small or big.
Besides sustaining our art practice with your generous donation, we encourage our friends, audiences and supporters to be part of Art Action Earwig’s donation actions that will benefit our community members in a bigger circle.
- $2 from each Home Squat Home zine sales in July was dedicated to the PowellStFest Community Kitchen program.
- $2 from our online zine sales in August continues to go to DTES communities. $0.25 from each sale will still go to the Powell Street festival’s DTES community care program. $.1.75 from each sale will go to our donation to K.T. Tent City Laundry Fund.
- With your support, we will continue to find creative ways to stay connected to our communities.
Art Action Earwig
Summer 2020