iOS users can download “Home Squat Home mobile app” from the App Store.
Android users can download ” Home Squat Home light and shadow Performance” from Google Play
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Art Action Earwig in collaboration with developer Gun Woo Kim (Ujuchu Company).
This mobile squatting-in-a-smartphone application provides an intimate audiovisual performance using shadow puppets made of upcycled and recycled materials on the surface of a tent. This transient moving home in your pocket or in your palm encourages one to newly imagine a sustainable home for marginalized bodies and displaced creatures while most of us are reconfiguring our physical boundaries and relationships to “home”. This piece imagines the tent as a shelter and rally spot, exploring meanings, feelings, and realities that (de)materialize “home”. The artists’ memoirs fermented with theatrical imaginaries are stored in Vancouver and Seoul, two cities the artists call home.
Available media and other options
2 sets of audio visual performances. *Internet is required to access the videos.
-Ho’s letter to generations before Me (20:30)
-Ho’s letter to generations after Me (20:34)
App language options: English & Korean
-Audio Descriptions (English) narrated by Alyson Osborn and Paul Susi
-Voice Over accessibility enhancement- iOS, (August 2021)
-Talk Back accessibility enhancement- Android, (August 2021)
-Performance in Korean (primary language update for Potent City in Seoul 2021) + English
-Performance in English (primary) + Korean
– English captions
– Korean captions
– Video description (English) by Cheryl Green. To read or download the PDF file, click here.
– Enhanced transcript in English (on request). Contact us: artaction@earwig.space
Tech requirements:
-iOS or Android device:
-603.8MB for iOS or 108MB for Android to download the app.
-Internet connection for download on iOS or streaming on Android.
* If you find barriers to experience this work and would like an alternative access to Home Squat Home, please contact us for suggestions. Email: artaction@earwig.space or use the message box on our connect page.
Before you dive in, things you may want to know:
-“Ho’s letter to generations before Me” contains flashing lights from 3:10 to 5:26 and from around 6:07 until 8:35.
-Some contents deal with subject matter that may trigger trauma, such as death, socioeconomic divides, and a disaster.
Presentation/event History:
June 25 and 26, 2021 – Home Squat Home mobile app Tent with QR code banner at Oil Tank Culture Park, 87 Jeungsan-ro, Seongsan-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul Republic of Korea.
Oct 28-Nov 8, 2020 – Home Squat Home mobile app Tent with QR code banner Installation in Woodward’s Atrium (111 W. Hastings) at the 17th Heart of the City Festival, Vancouver, BC. Canada (Tent installation with QR code in Woodward’s Atrium. October 28-November 1. QR code banner Installation on the KW Studios’ window in Woodward’s Atrium. November 2-November 8).
We thank our funders and supporters that made this project possible.