Shadow Sign for Bedroom Protest: What I Dare To Do In The Dark was presented at rEvolver Festival 2021. May 19th and May 26th, ASL interpretation was provided.
This workshop invited participants to join a virtual gathering from their own bedrooms. Following a brief presentation, a 90 min work session allowed for individuals to make their shadow puppet protest signs. For non-visual persons, a Voice Sign making option was available. Besides discussing shadow/ voice sign making methods and guiding the process, we facilitated casual conversations about climate change and our (inter)actions as human allies living with COVID-19 challenges during the climate crisis. Once the signs were made, the participants were encouraged to voice their signs and/or project their signs onto a wall or other surface using a flash light or other light sources in the dark. Each sign was captured and uploaded onto Art Action Earwig’s WWW Po-tent-City.
[GIF Image description: In this moving image, made of 6 sequential photos by Marjo Wright, taken for the 2021 rEvolver Theatre Festival, the artists are holding white pillows in front of a shipping container painted blue with black lined white graffiti lettering. Minah is wearing bright red lipstick that matches her pants. Dangling triangular earrings with pink knitting swing above her indigo rain jacket. Wryly is wearing a black toque that matches the pants. A green rubber rain coat frames a pink and blue sweater. Wryly strikes a pillow to Minah’s legs. Minah strikes a pillow to Wryly’s back with a smile. Wryly takes the toque off with a smile. Minah strikes the pillow to Wryly’s face with a tough smile. Wryly’s face goes from tough to ecstatic.]